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Really cool game! I loved discovering I could melee and make back any health lost from the kills, it's a cool mechanic. Would be great to see some upgrades for the player

yeah that’s a great idea! If I were to remake the game I’d probably make it some kind of top down Metroid vania with that kinda upgrades

Pretty simple concept but pretty well put together package for a game jam project! Good fun!

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed!

Made a video on Remnant Remover 


wow thanks so much having video play testing will be super useful! Good luck in your YouTube journey! I hope the yellow enemies weren’t too confusing I should have probably made it more clear that the sword bypasses the shield! Also I saw from the video that the first boss seemed a bit too hard I’ll be sure to keep that in mind going forward!

Neat little game and fun for its duration, definetly needs more work and content, but you are on the right track. :)

that’s fair with only 4 days I wasn’t able to make it very long or super polished. If I could ask about how long did it take you to complete? Also do you have a favorite and least favorite part of the game?

For what little time you had it's good! I like the bullet hell aspect and it took me about 10-15 minutes to finish.

ok thanks for the feedback!